
zsd is now a independent project. You find it here: https://j-keck.github.io/zsd.

The next version of zfs-snap-diff comes without zsd.

zsd - cli tool to find older versions of a given file in your zfs snapshots.

With zsd you can

  • find older file versions in your zfs snapshots for a given file

  • view the file content from a given snapshot

  • inspect a diff from the older version to the actual version

  • restore a version from a zfs snapshot

It uses the same code as zfs-snap-diff to find different file versions in your zfs snapshots.


main⟩ zsd -h
zsd - cli tool to find older versions of a given file in your zfs snapshots.


  -H	Scripting mode. Do not print headers, print absolute dates and separate fields by a single tab
  -V	print version and exit
  -d int
        days to scan (default 2)
        mount snapshot (only necessary if it's not mounted by zfs automatically)
        Special output for Snapshot-timemachine (https://github.com/mrBliss/snapshot-timemachine)
        use sudo when executing 'zfs' commands
  -v	debug output
        trace output with caller location

  list                : list zfs snapshots where the given file was modified
  cat     <#|SNAPSHOT>: show file content of the given snapshot
  diff    <#|SNAPSHOT>: show a diff from the selected snapshot to the actual version
  restore <#|SNAPSHOT>: restore the file from the given snapshot

You can use the snapshot number from the `list` output or the snapshot name to select a snapshot.

Project home page: https://j-keck.github.io/zfs-snap-diff

List snapshots

Use the list action to list all snapshots where the given file was modified.

main⟩ zsd go.mod list
scan the last 7 days for other file versions
  # | Snapshot                               | Snapshot age
  0 | zfs-auto-snap_hourly-2020-02-12-12h00U | 5 hours
  1 | zfs-auto-snap_hourly-2020-02-12-09h00U | 8 hours

Show file content

Use the cat action to show the file content from the given snapshot.

You can use the snapshot number from the list output or the snapshot name to select a snapshot.
main⟩ zsd go.mod cat 0
module github.com/j-keck/zfs-snap-diff

require (
  github.com/j-keck/go-diff v1.0.0
  github.com/j-keck/plog v0.5.0
  github.com/stretchr/testify v1.4.0 // indirect

go 1.12

Show diff

To show a diff from the selected snapshot to the actual version use the diff action.

You can use the snapshot number from the list output or the snapshot name to select a snapshot.
main⟩ zsd go.mod diff 0
Diff from the actual version to the version from: 2020-02-12 10:07:44.434355182 +0100 CET
module github.com/j-keck/zfs-snap-diff

require (
   github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1
   github.com/j-keck/go-diff v1.0.0
-  github.com/j-keck/plog v0.5.0
+  github.com/j-keck/plog v0.6.0
   github.com/stretchr/testify v1.4.0 // indirect

go 1.12

Restore file

To restore a given file with an older version use restore.

You can use the snapshot number from the list output or the snapshot name to select a snapshot.
main⟩ zsd go.mod restore 0
backup from the actual version created at: /home/j/.cache/zfs-snap-diff/backups/home/j/prj/priv/zfs-snap-diff/go.mod_20200212_182709%
version restored from snapshot: zfs-auto-snap_hourly-2020-02-12-12h00U
A backup of the current version will be created.