
zfs-snap-diff loads it’s configuration from:

$HOME/Library/Application Support/zfs-snap-diff/zfs-snap-diff.toml

if it does not find a configuration, it will create the following default configuration:

use-cache-dir-for-backups = true
days-to-scan = 2
max-archive-unpacked-size-mb = 200
snapshot-name-template = "zfs-snap-diff-%FT%H:%M"
compare-method = "auto"
diff-context-size = 5

  listen-ip = ""
  listen-port = 12345
  use-tls = false
  cert-file = ""
  key-file = ""

  use-sudo = false
  mount-snapshots = false


If it’s set to true, the file backups will be stored in the users cache-directory.

On Unix systems, it returns $XDG_CACHE_HOME as specified by if non-empty, else $HOME/.cache. On Darwin, it returns $HOME/Library/Caches. On Windows, it returns %LocalAppData%. On Plan 9, it returns $home/lib/cache.

If it’s false, it will create the backup file under the actual directory in the ./zfs-snap-diff/ folder.


To speedup the scan for other file versions, zfs-snap-diff performs the scan incremental when you request an older file version. This parameter determines how many days are scanned if you request a older versions.


The maximal (unpacked) archive size is restricted by default. Set this to -1 to allow disable this restriction.


Snapshot name template. Used to create snapshots in the web-app. The template supports the following format sequences:

Format sequences are alike the `date` command
  %d: day of month (e.g., 01)
  %m: month (01..12)
  %y: last two digits of year (00..99)
  %Y: year
  %F: full date; like %Y-%m-%d
  %H: hour (00..23)
  %I: hour (01..12)
  %M: minute (00..59)
  %S: second (00..60)
  %s: seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC


Used compare method to find different file versions. This is used when scanning the zfs snapshots to determine if a file was modified in a snapshot.


Uses md5 for text files and size+mtime for others


If two files versions have the same filesize, it’s interpreted as the same version.


If two files versions have the same mtime, it’s interpreted as the same version.


If two files versions have the same size AND mtime, it’s interpreted as the same version.


If two files versions have the same content, it’s interpreted as the same version.


If two files versions have the same md5 sum, it’s interpreted as the same version.


Diff context size in the webui.