

main⟩ reno --help
    reno export
    reno update
    reno dump

reading notes extractor

Options and flags:
        Display this help text.
    --version, -v
        Print the version number and exit.

        Export the annotations from the given Pdf
        update the notes in the Org-file with new annotations from the Pdf
        for debugging / inspection (run without arguments for the usage)

Export annotations to an org-file

Use the export subcommand to export your annotations.

main⟩ reno export
Usage: reno export [--overwrite] [--pdf-engine <value>] [--mark-from <value>] <pdf> [<org>]

Export the annotations from the given Pdf

Options and flags:
        Display this help text.
    --overwrite, -f
        Overwrite existing file
    --pdf-engine <value>
        Used pdf engine (itext / pdfbox)
    --mark-from <value>
        Extract mark from (boundingrect / quads)

Update new annotations

To update your org-file and include new annotations from your pdf, use the update subcommand.

main⟩ reno update
Usage: reno update [--pdf-engine <value>] [--mark-from <value>] <pdf> [<src-org>] [<dst-org>]

update the notes in the Org-file with new annotations from the Pdf

Options and flags:
        Display this help text.
    --pdf-engine <value>
        Used pdf engine (itext / pdfbox)
    --mark-from <value>
        Extract mark from (boundingrect / quads)